المعلومات الشخصية


قسم الكيمياء

كلية العلوم

وسائل التواصل

هاتف: 21589

بريد الكتروني: : rmabdelrahman @ yahoo. Com

رضا محمدى عبدالرحمن قصعه


نبذة عامة

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science

King Abdulaziz University

P.O. Box 80203 Jeddah 21589

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Name: Reda Mohammady Abdel-Rahman

Date of Birth: April 22, 1951

Status: Married

Tel.: +966551959803

E mail: rmabdelrahman @ yahoo. Com

Rank: Professor of Organic Chemistry 1993 until now

            D.Sc. 2004 Bioactive Heterocyclic Compounds Royal Society (UK) .

Prizes: Recognition and Merit Awards

·    International Scientist of the year for 2002, - International Biographical centre/ Cambridge England

·    London Diplomatic Academy 2002.

·    The Gold Medallion collection Warranty "Science with Practice" Iowa State University of Science and Technology, USA 2000.

Academic Posts:

·    Professor of Organic Chemistry, KAU University Jeddah Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (September 2005 up till now).

·    Professor of Bioactive Heterocyclic Compounds, Ain Shams University Cairo September 2004-2005.

·    Professor of Organic Chemistry, Ain Shams University Cairo 1993.

·    Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry, Ain Shams University Cairo 1987.

·    Lecturer of Organic Chemistry, Ain Shams University Cairo 1982.

·    Assistant Lecturer at the department of chemistry, Ain Shams University Cairo 1978.

·    Demonstrator at the department of chemistry, Ain Shams University Cairo 1973.


  • Principle Investigator for 30 Ph.D. and M. Sc. thesises in the area of chemotherapeutic and plant protection agents (synthetic, chemistry applications) from 1984 –until now at Ain Shams University and King Abdul-Aziz University.
  • There are more than 80 articles and 20 reviews have been published in Scientific journals mainly in field of bioactive heterocyclic agents for treatment of Aids, Cancers and as plant protection agents

* Examiner in: King Abdul-Aziz University; European Journal of Organic Chemistry. One of group Research interest in phosphorous, sulfur , silicon and discover a drugs for treatment of AIDS and Cancers (USA). [National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.

  • The main efforts appear as leader in selection research and courses

a)     Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Heterocyclic Chemistry, Physico-organic Chemistry, stereochemistry and synthetic –Reaction mechanisms.

b)     Natural Products, Organo-Metallic Chemistry.

c)     Analysis of functional groups –chemistry and spectroscopic studies (UV, IR, NMR and M/S)

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